Monday, May 31, 2021


 It was another rainy day, or at least the morning.  I pretty much took the day off from gardening.  I did check in on the plants and see that things were alright, but I didn't weed, re-pot things, build a fence, or any of the other tasks I could have worked on.  Tomorrow, when I only have a little bit of time because of the pre-hire appointment, I may regret this.  For now, it was a fairly relaxing day and I am happy with this choice.  Other things I am happy for:

  • We live within walking distance of an ice cream stand.  
  • I've still been posting on YouTube some of the videos captured with the wildlife camera.  The one that was posted tonight, I am not sure of the identity of the animal.  I think it might be a bobcat though and wanted to share that with my blog readers too.  Here is the link.  I'm still really enjoying seeing the wildlife on the back property.
  • One of the things I had to do before the pre-hire appointment was to take a picture of myself for a badge.  I had a problem getting the lighting right so Zed helped by taking the picture and using the flash.  Zed decided to make this process hilarious so I had to ask him to leave and go back to doing a selfie.
  • There is a plant that Lens suggests is either a type of sage or a wild clary.  I posted about it a week or so ago.  Whatever it is, it is blooming now.  I still don't know which it is, but I think it is pretty.

Currently reading: The Backyard Homestead Seasonal Planner, by Ann Larkin Hansen.
    I finished the spring season section today.

Thanks for reading, stay safe!

1 comment:

  1. That does look like it could be a bobcat - how cool!!


Happy New Year's Eve!

 Here it is, my final blog of the year.  2021 has been a long year.  I wrote a little personal review of my year and posted it in my Odds an...