Monday, May 10, 2021


 Yesterday I had such high hopes for being productive today.  Unfortunately the first part of the day I was in a bit of a funk.  Early afternoon I realized that the funk was most likely caused by the overwhelming aspect of all the things I hoped to do.  Many things were set aside and I went to the garden and planted radishes, lettuce, and carrots.  

Under the burlap things are now planted.

Those are the things that seemed most time sensitive.  Looking at my list now, there were a few other things that probably should have been put ahead of that, oh well.  Planting things is good, other happy things for today:

  • After working in the garden I mowed part of the lawn.  I like a mowed lawn.
  • The flowers on Marjorie and Tucker (peach and cherry trees) are changing and getting closer to preparing for fruit.  

  • It was just me at home for a while tonight so I finished watching a movie, The Dig.  It was a very enjoyable movie and now I want to go to the British Museum.  

Currently reading: The Backyard Homestead, by Carleen Madigan.

Stay safe.

1 comment:

  1. British museum me too. I really enjoyed that movie!

    I too was in a non-productive funk this morning. Wonky order of things that did get done are ok!

    Loved the Mother’s Day masks!


Happy New Year's Eve!

 Here it is, my final blog of the year.  2021 has been a long year.  I wrote a little personal review of my year and posted it in my Odds an...