Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Stringing the Peas

 It was a hard to get motivated kind of day.  It took a little bit, but I did motivate myself.  The first task was to put the tomato plants outside for a little fresh air.  Today the air did seem fresh.  The temperature was not as hot as yesterday which made working out there much nicer.  Other happy things for today:

  • One of the things that has been on my list for a while was to tie up the pea plants.  They were starting to hold onto each other, now there is a string.  
In progress string tying.
  • One of the other things I've wanted to do was to get a soaker hose near the strawberries and blueberries.  I bought a kit a few days ago to assemble soaker hoses to fit anywhere.  There is now a soaker hose at the blueberry and strawberry plants.  It was so easy to put together that the peas got a soaker hose too!
I still need to cover the hose with something at the top.

  • When I went to get the regular hose I found a nest.  I'm pretty sure it is abandoned.
I didn't use that hose.
  • In the middle of the day I took a rest on the hammock swing in the shade.
Not sure how I got the light beams?
I wasn't able to repeat that effect.
  • In the evening Giedon had his last Scout meet of the season where they gave the awards earned during the year.  Families can attend.  It was outside to allow for social distancing.
Gideon outgrew his uniform this year.
  • Then there was the moon from the parking lot.

Currently reading: The Burgess Book of Nature Lore, by Thornton W. Burgess.

Thank you for reading.

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