Saturday, May 22, 2021

Summer Is Coming

 My body isn't quite ready for the heat that nature has brought.  Part of the day I wilted.  It was almost 90 degrees outside so I went back and forth between inside and outside.  A section of lawn got mowed and some of the tomato seedlings have been replanted into pots.  Other happy things for today:

  • Gideon was awake and out of bed earlier than me this morning.  He walked around the house happily saying, "Good morning, world!"  This was pleasing to hear as I groggily woke up.
  • I finished and submitted a job application today.
  • There is an obvious change in the rhododendron bush from yesterday to today.

They are opening.
  • There are buds on at least one of the rose bushes.  
Just starting to form.

  • So much green vegetation!

Currently reading: The Burgess Book of Nature Lore, by Thornton W. Burgess.

Stay safe.

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