Monday, May 3, 2021

Happy Monday!

  Keziah and I went to help out a friend today who, in the SCA, is getting ready to be promoted into the Peerage.  We went there to help by distracting her toddler and to assist in the planning process.  The toddler is not used to people, but very adorable and has a rather contagious laugh.  I got the first smile from her, but they played best with Keziah.  When she was a baby, she liked to be held by me.  Then covid came and people just couldn't see each other.  Toddler laughter and the following are my happy things for today:

  • There is a part of Manchester, NH that I don't like to drive through, but I enjoy being a passenger.  As we speed through the city on the highway I watch the river with the former industrial revolution factories as a backdrop and it is a part of the city that brings on a feeling of nostalgia.  When I was a child, I lived in a neighboring town and going to Manchester could mean an exciting shopping trip.  Later, my former husband and I lived there when Keziah was born and I worked for a short time in one of those factory-buildings-turned-offices.  

  • There was a lovely tree in our friend's yard that I haven't identified.  I just loved the flowers on it.

  • After this evening's walk I took a quick peek in the garden.  Peas are definitely sprouting.  I need to get out there more.

Currently reading: The Backyard Homestead Seasonal Planner, by Ann Larkin Hansen.

Stay safe.

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