Sunday, May 9, 2021


  What a long and wonderful day. After lots of planning and preparation by many people, a friend in the SCA was honored by becoming a member of the Laurel. That is the SCA's highest honor for arts and sciences.  The coif I have been working on was for wearing today.  I know I promised pictures of the coif, but my phone isn't cooperating.  Other happy things from today:

  • Seeing a young child (age around four) possibly (there was distance) bend in to give the almost two year old a quick kiss through a mask. Really wish I got a picture of that.
  •  All the older children (ages four-ish to nine)  were helpful with take down and clearing things up after.  That same young child, though, was super helpful and took a special interest and extra energy in being helpful.
  • It took a while today for me to feel comfortable with so many people. When we left, I was able to hug people again. It was magical and something I have missed about seeing people outside the home.
  • I am thankful to the parent of the helpful children because she took a picture of Keziah and myself on the thrones during the ceremony. The woman in front of us is the one who earned her Laurel.

  • The sounds of laughter as the children, with some help from adults, played together.

  • Tomorrow, dear reader, I hope to share with you some of the images from the wildlife camera.  Zed and I took a peek when we got home and there is definitely some interesting video.  I'm excited to see it on the computer.
A couple pictures from the day...

Currently listening to: The Canterbury Tales, by Geoffrey Chaucer.

Stay safe!

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