Saturday, May 29, 2021


 When it rains out, I don't tend to get into the garden.  I did remember to check on all the plants that are still inside and I watched a few videos on YouTube that were plant related.  There was a good part of the day that I just tried to keep warm.  I didn't notice when, in the afternoon, the rain stopped.  Before dinner I went and cut some walking onions to be added to the meal.  What I learned is that I have no idea where I should be cutting them.  Oh, well.  Learning and the following are my happy things for the day:

  • Winston, asleep over my shoulder.

  • Spending most of the day inside, I should have been a bit more productive.  I straightened up my desk a little.  It is serviceable again!
  • At the beginning of the week the freezer was left open just enough that things needed to be cooked.  There was a big bag of Wyman's Triple Berry fruit that when refrozen, became one large mass.  Today I made a fruit cobbler.  
  • The cobbler was very delicious.  It was also soup.  A sweet warm soup that we put vanilla ice cream on.
Yes, I did use a thickener.

  • Speaking of soup, it is what I had for lunch.  The cold, wet day made hot soup the perfect choice.
  • Keziah made a delicious meal that she said was inspired by a poke bowl.  It had rice, vegetables, salmon (cooked), and a few other things.  It was very good.  The walking onions from the garden were good in it, too.  
  • There was a storm that knocked out power in parts of Texas yesterday so Minecraft Friday with TF is Saturday this week.  I'm posting before I play, so I don't forget.  I'm confident that it will be a happy-play way to end my day.

Currently reading: The Backyard Homestead Seasonal Planner, by Ann Larkin Hansen.

    As I finished the chapter today I realized that I am falling behind my reading of this book.  It is set up for each season and we are about to move on.

Stay safe, thank you for reading!

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