Sunday, May 2, 2021

Shoulder Cat

 There is a project that I should have been working on the last few weeks and one thing or another has delayed my starting it.  I now have until Thursday to complete making an Elizabethan coif.  Not just making one, but embellishing it with embroidery.  The embroidery is the time consuming part.  The embroidery will not be as elaborate as what I have been looking at for inspiration, or as well done.  I'll be doing it in stages, just in case I am not able to finish the embroidery, so that the coif can be sewn together and hopefully not be lopsided by Thursday.  I got to visit someone today who helped guide my process and will be there for me if I need knowledge, supplies, or encouragement this week while I work on this project.  For this I am thankful and happy.  Other happy things for today:

  • More things that I planted are sprouting.  
These are giant zinnia,
or at least that is what they 
will grow up to be!
  • Winston, the orange tabby, decided that my sitting down with fabric and embroidery supplies was the perfect time for him to want attention.  
I thought he was going to climb
on my head for a moment!  😂
  • Gideon and I went out for a little walk this afternoon so that he could continue on his scouting quest of cleaning up litter.  Last week we started on the property and today we walked along the sidewalk.  He was able to finish and get over 200 pieces of trash.  He was so happy to complete this.  He picked up some more as we headed home.  What a fantastic human my grandchild is!

Currently listening to: The Canterbury Tales, by Geoffrey Chaucer.

Stay safe!

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