Sunday, May 23, 2021

Happy Sunday!

 There were two super things about the rain today.  The first is that when it rained, it didn't last long so there was still plenty of time to do things outside.  The second is that the temperature dropped to something that I would call comfortable.  Other things that I am happy about today:

  • It is May.  Every year some of the family get together to plant flowers on family graves at cemeteries before Memorial Day.  This year I tried to grow the geraniums myself so we wouldn't need to spend so much money buying them.  If you read my blog, you know that the seeds were delayed and I didn't get them planted as early as I had hoped.  Eventually I got the seeds and planted them and they sprouted.  They are larger now, but they aren't big enough and have no buds at this point.  So I have an AWESOME headstart on the geraniums for next year (if I am able to keep them alive).  This morning Keziah and I went out and bought the geraniums to plant in the cemeteries for this year.  Wednesday we will meet with some family and make a day of planting the geraniums.
Pretty colors!
  • Third day in a row... but rhododendrons!

  • Keziah did more shopping today and brought home the El Gato Fish Tacos truck.  Nanni started exploring it before it was completely assembled.
'Hey, what's this?'

Winston heard something happening and had to investigate.
Winston: 'Can I fit too?'

Nanni seems to be the driver.
  • A few weeks ago I planted some pumpkin seeds.  I had six left over from last year and they were old then, but I planted them any way.  One came up and I already repotted it into a larger pot.
Pumpkin plant.
Today I noticed that two more of the seeds are starting to sprout!

Breaking through!
  • We built Zed's not permanent shed thing today.  With four of us standing and assembling it a bird came down, landed, got the food they wanted and left.  I was only able to get a quick picture.
Where's the bird?

I cropped it.
I think it might be a grey catbird?

  • The shed thing got built!  Team work!
Wind blew!  Time to batten down the hatches.

Currently reading: The Burgess Book of Nature Lore, by Thornton W. Burgess.

Stay safe.

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