Monday, May 17, 2021


 It is only 7:30 PM and I have sat down to write this at a reasonable hour.  Writing earlier is a goal that I should work harder to achieve.  Tomorrow I am picking up Keziah in Massachusetts and will need to wake up earlier than I have been.  Hopefully I will be able to fall asleep tonight.  I didn't spend as much time outside as I might have liked, but I had some errands to run.  I brought home pizza to throw in the oven for dinner; that made everyone happy.  Other happy things for today:

  • I planted some of the marigold that I started from seed a few weeks ago.  They are still small, but the roots are coming out of the seed starter.  I put six of them by the strawberry plants.  
The good looking part of the strawberries.

A wee little marigold.
  • There is still a lot of pulling of weeds that needs to happen by the strawberries.  I didn't clear out like the area above yet (with the burlap) but I pulled around the other strawberry plants so that more sun can get in.  Someday I hope to purge the area of the many cypress spurge that want to overwhelm the plants I want.
Cypress spurge.

  • Keziah noticed someone was giving away large log rounds for free and thanks to a person from out Barony some of these are now in the back.  These will become targets for thrown weapons.  It is one of the things we will need in order to have a thrown weapons range on the property.  

Currently reading: The Burgess Book of Nature Lore, by Thornton W. Burgess.

Stay safe.

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