Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Blue Plastic Oops

 There was a comment made while the family watched the videos from the wildlife camera.  It was something along the lines of trying to figure out how to get rid of the blue hue.  It dawned on me the other day that perhaps there is a protective film over the lens that I just didn't notice.  Well, I went for a walk today and there was indeed a protective piece of plastic, blue, covering the lens.  Oops.  Hopefully going forward the pictures will be clearer.  Other happy things for today:

  • I didn't just go out to the wildlife camera, I took a short walk around the property.  It has actually been two weeks since I have done that.  There are leaves opening on trees and things.
  • More lawn was mowed.  I also went over to the side lawn, by the apple trees, and mowed in that area.  From there I mowed a path up through the bramble-that is already everywhere-to the area that was logged a few years ago where I tend to walk.  
  • I identified some plants today and some I am still not sure of.

According to Lens, this is a greater celandine and
the internet tells me it is part of the poppy family.
It is on the NH Invasive Plant Species Watch List.
I chose not to mow it right now because it is a pollinator.

Common cinquefoil according to Lens.

Lens says this is an interrupted fern.
It hasn't quite opened up yet I think.

Same plant, larger view.

  • The view on the property is becoming more colorful as the leaves open and new plants pop up.

Currently reading: The Backyard Homestead, by Carleen Madigan.
    And now I know what I did wrong when I tried to sprout beans.

Stay safe!

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