Wednesday, October 27, 2021


 On Sunday I took the broken parts of the marigold plant and set some to dry, collected seed, and I am trying to propagate three others in a pot.  So far, the propagating prospective plants have survived the frost and three days.  Not very long, but they still look pretty good.

Other things I am happy for today:

  • They were overstaffed at work and looking for people to volunteer to go home.  Instead, I asked if I could be trained in something else.  It seemed like a good time.  I am now trained in diverting/pushing.  I had done a little of this before but not had the official training.  
  • So far, the thundershirt we got for our dog, Aesop, seems to be working well.  It may even be too good.  He didn't even get up when I came home.

  • I worked at removing weeds from the triangle area of the yard. If I can get more things planted there before the end of the month it will be good and I will be ahead of when I planted things last year.  

Currently reading: Mount Washington A Guide and Short History, by Peter E. Randall.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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