Wednesday, August 18, 2021


 Last Thursday at work they trained me on the pick to buffer job.  Then I had a four day weekend to forget it all.  Tuesday I got to practice the new-to-me position and today I was back stowing.  I was surprised that I needed to remind myself what to do.  It was good to be doing that again.  There are less people to actively coordinate with and I think I was a little peopled out.  Other happy things for today:

  • Gideon is homeschooled.  One of the options to show progress in the state of NH is to take a standardized test.  His results came back today and he did exceptionally well-way above his grade level.
  • Keziah and I got to discuss people that we want to give awards to.  A list has been made and plans are set in motion.  As Baron and Baroness of our SCA group it is one of the things we get to do.  With the pandemic, it hasn't happened much.  Even though I am hesitant about the upcoming event, it is mostly outdoors and we will be taking as many precautions as possible.
  • Friends came by and visited for a little while before my bedtime.  We got to sit outside and I swung in the hammock swing while we talked.

Currently reading: Backpacking: A Hedonist’s Guide, by Rick Greenspan and Hal Kahn.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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