Monday, August 16, 2021

Happy National Rum Day (who knew?)

 After a few weeks of procrastinating I finally called Zappos about the shoes that I returned in July.  I get a credit from the company I work for to be able to purchase steel toed shoes.  The ones I got hurt my feet, I returned them, but the credit didn't return to my account.  I had to call to make that happen.  Making phone calls isn't my favorite thing to do.  I do like my toes though, so I made the call.  There were no problems, I just had to confirm who I am and wait a few minutes for all the things they had to do to make it happen.  The new shoes were ordered before I was off the call.  Tomorrow they should be at the house.  Other things I am happy about today:

  • Yesterday Zed picked an apple from one of our trees.  While I was out today a message from him came in which he said that he and Gideon had tried the apple.  It was really good  and they are planning to pick more today.  I mowed around the trees a bit to help them out.  I broke the lawn mower again... well, a piece came off and I can't find it.  I look forward to trying an apple soon.
  • My friend, Amy, met me at a park today and we walked around the pond three times.  It was really nice to see her again and catch up.  She brought us summer squash from her garden!
  • At the park there is a small wetland area that is surrounded by the parking lot.  I could hear frogs so I got closer and tried to be patient until I saw some.  Yay frogs!

  • For dinner I fried up some of the summer squash and had that with fresh cucumbers we got yesterday.  It was yummy.

  • Keziah has most of her crafty things in the apartment.  I went to see her there when I got home to just talk about stuff.  Sometimes it just hits me deep at how wonderful it is to be able to live with my daughter and her family.  I'd like to think that I show my appreciation often.  It is wonderful and I look forward to when my youngest, Bel, and their fiancee, Folke, are in the area again and we can all be together.  

Currently reading: Backpacking: A Hedonist’s Guide, by Rick Greenspan and Hal Kahn.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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