Sunday, August 8, 2021


Stepping outside for the walk to the compost pile I was struck by the smell of rain.
Walking through the yard, the air cooler than the house, tiny droplets kissed my skin.

Those two sentences remind me that I haven't written any rhymes this year.  Maybe one in January or February, but not the one a week or month that I had hoped for.  All we got for rain were a few tiny droplets.  I'm happy I was able to experience them.  

Other happy things for today:

  • Before the rains were supposed to arrive I got some more of the lawn mowed.  That will be a chore for the rest of the week, to get the yards looking good for next weekend.  It was just Gideon and myself at home again with the animals.  Last time Aesop, our new puppy, bit Gideon just enough to leave marks.  This time I put Aesop on the run and gave him a rawhide chew to keep him happy.  It worked long enough that the battery on the mower was mostly dead by the time he was no longer entertained with the treat.  Yay!  

  • As for Aesop and the cats... they might be getting closer to tolerating each other.  There is still hissing from them, but they are willing to be in the same room.  Progress!
Excuse the dirty laundry... it's,
you know, the laundry room.

  • Often the happy things are small like hard boiled eggs coming out perfect, making breakfast potatoes from leftover French fries, or talking on the phone with a friend.
  • Keziah and I walked Aesop before bedtime.  I'm loving the light up collar she got for him.

Currently reading: Backpacking A Hedonist’s Guide, by Rick Greenspan and Hal Kahn.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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