Monday, August 9, 2021


 On Mondays I try to get up around 4:00 AM so I am able to sleep in the afternoon to get to work Tuesday for 1:20 AM.  This morning when I looked at my phone I had a message, sent at 2:00 AM, from work offering volunteer extended time at 4:00 AM today.  I looked to see if anyone actually volunteered.  The time had changed to 5:00 AM, I guess there were no volunteers.  I thought about it, got up, got ready, and there was time for me to get there.  I went to work for five hours.  For being able to help them out one of the managers let me choose from the entire collection of swag available.  I chose a bandana.  

It is reversible,
the other side has branding.

Other happy things for today:

  • I was home early enough to get more lawn mowed.  The amount we have to mow seems never ending, but we have a yard sale again this weekend so I need to get it all done.
  • Keziah spent some time organizing games today with a new-to-us bookshelf.
One bookshelf is still not enough!
  • One of the things I meant to do this afternoon was to shop for some work food and something to hold my glasses onto my head.  I forgot.  After a brief search I found a chain to hold my glasses around my neck if they fall off.  This is important since we are wearing masks at work now and my glasses are old and don't like to stay on over the mask.  Ideally this will mean I don't break my glasses. 
They are just a little bent.

Currently reading: Backpacking: A Hedonist’s Guide, by Rick Greenspan and Hal Kahn.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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