Wednesday, August 25, 2021

National Park Service Founders Day

 As stated occasionally in a previous post, I don't like coming up with titles.  However, in looking for an idea today I came across National Park Service Founders Day.  After reading this article about the holiday and the parks, I am reminded why visiting them all is not a goal, there are just too many.  Too many for me to visit time and money-wise.  I'd love if even more parks and protected areas existed.  This date is now added to my Google Calendar to repeat forever to remind me.  Other happy things for today:

  • I remembered to water plants.  I have been very bad about this since getting a job.  I'm happy to write that the geraniums that are still in the cellar are still alive.  They seem to be doing better with the artificial light than the ones outside.  Still no flowers, maybe next year.

  • The jewelweed is blooming and the bees are busy visiting it as well as the Japanese knotweed that is threatening to push out the jewelweed.  
Jewelweed flower close-up.

Bee on the Japanese knotweed.

  • Yesterday I got a reasonable amount of sleep which made my time at work so much better!  Here is hoping I get to sleep today too.

Currently reading: The Backyard Homestead Seasonal Planner, by Ann Larkin Hansen.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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