Monday, August 30, 2021

Happy Monday!

The weekend trip makes me happy that I don't work on Mondays. Most of my day was spent relaxing in my pajamas. That said, I realized that I needed to get up and move late enough that I was typing this on my phone while walking to get my steps in. Other happy things for today are:

  • Yesterday I forgot to do Duo Lingo until after midnight. A search on the app showed that the last time I missed a day and had to use their streak freeze option was about 11 months ago. I made up for that today by doing more Spanish practice than I usually do in a week.
  • Another thing I did while trying to do nothing was to pay my mortgage and set up automatic payments for my phone. Yay adulting!
  • When I finally got out to walk the first time, the puppy was being, well, a puppy. He did not want to walk with me. The second time Keziah dropped us off somewhere and we had a much better time.
Aesop, not wanting to move in front of the house.

  • My steps were still not complete so I am walking and typing. Yay multitasking!

Currently reading: Backpacking: A Hedonist’s Guide, by Rick Greenspan and Hal Kahn.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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