Tuesday, August 24, 2021


 My hope of getting at least five hours of sleep last night was squashed when an email from work came just as I was settling in.  Someone at work has Covid.  It is not someone that I worked with apparently because I was informed with the group notification and not privately.  I'm thankful that I am vaccinated (athough that there are variations now is kind of scary) and that the company insisted that we all wear masks during this uptick in cases.  The bright side is that it is highly unlikely that I have covid.  Other happy things for today:

  • The friend that is staying here temporarily was in Roman garb when I got home.  She is making it for an event.  It was beautiful and she looked beautiful in it.  Sorry, no picture.
  • Another sorry, no picture, is the moon this morning at work.  It is still mostly full and its round orb glowed through the clouds as if breaking through.  "Take that, Henri!" the moon seemed to say to the dissipating former hurricane.  We actually ended up with no major weather from the storm.  It rained, but the wind had calmed a bit before getting here.
  • I'm trying to turn in early so I will be fresh and feeling well when I go to work in the morning.  

Currently reading: The Backyard Homestead Seasonal Planner, by Ann Larkin Hansen.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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