Monday, August 2, 2021


All of us want a trained dog. We are all throwing out ideas and using them. I realized that we aren't as consistent as we should be. We need more training than the dog. Sigh. Keziah was all happy that she had a system that seemed to work. It failed once I was added to the equation. It is my understanding that we are looking into signing up for dog training. I believe the vet has some recommendations. I hope this old dog (me) can learn to teach the new dog (Aesop). Happy things for today:

  • “This is a good experience, right Aesop? Yeah, I think it is.” Gideon whispered as he pet Aesop falling asleep.
  • Aesop and I ended up taking about a four mile walk today. We are both tired.
  • The apple tree out back that we spent time trimming this spring is loaded with apples. I have no idea what variety. They are larger than what I thought crabapples would be but smaller than most apples in a store.

They are larger than a golf ball.
A little smaller than a tennis ball I think.

Currently reading: Backpacking A Hedonist’s Guide, by Rick Greenspan and Hal Kahn.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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