Thursday, August 5, 2021

Good Dog

Thursdays are long.  After working all night I come home, nap for a bit, and then try to be human in the evening to have family time.  Instead of Star Trek or Doctor Who, we had friends over for a little SCA gathering to talk about the event we are having in a few weeks.  Ideally this will be another step toward the new pandemic normal.  The site tokens will be masks.  Other happy things for today:

  • There was another observation of my performance at work today.  The person who did it was very impressed with how I organized in order to sort the packages.  I now have more swag bucks.  Eventually I will look at the things available to buy with the swag bucks to see what I want.
  • We had two sets of friends over.  One had their two year old daughter along.  She and Aesop seemed to get along really well.  She decided that his crate was her little play house.  Very cute.

  • Aesop loved playing with the other friends too.  

  • It rained a little today.  The daylily was speckled with water.

Currently reading: Backpacking A Hedonist’s Guide, by Rick Greenspan and Hal Kahn.
    -This book was published in 1985.  I'm taking my time reading and haven't gotten too far yet.  Some of the information is definitely outdated as advances have been made with lighter weight materials and such.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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