Sunday, August 22, 2021

More Stamping

 It has been a long day with Gideon not feeling well in the end.  He had a fever.  Keziah had a home Covid test and he tested negative.  Anxiety is high though.  Gideon and I had a nice walk with Aesop, the dog, this morning while he was still feeling alright.  Our second walk is when he started to not feel well.  Here are some happy things from today:

  • It is hard to make out from the picture, but there is a layer of fog becoming cloud over the river.  It was very beautiful.

  • Some of the wild sweet William is still blooming so the bees can do their collecting.

  • More masks were stamped!  I think we totaled 450.  There are white and black ones for different types of check in.  I don't like to reveal what a site token will look like for security reasons, but part of it has the Baronial device.
Keziah carved all the stamps
(which has another name that isn't coming to me).

The ink is rolled on.

Then the stamp
with the ink is pressed onto the fabric.
This is a medieval craft that we used modern materials to do.
  • Keziah and I got some pre-hurricane cleaning up of the yard done this afternoon.  Most likely, Henri will be a tropical storm by the time it reaches us, but winds could still be over 40 MPH and we had stuff that needed to come in.

Currently reading: Backpacking: A Hedonist’s Guide, by Rick Greenspan and Hal Kahn.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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