Saturday, August 14, 2021


As the week came to a close, I realized that I hadn't done anything to simplify my life yet. I was hoping to find at least one thing a week for the month of August to simplify. For me, to simplify seems to involve getting rid of things. To reach that goal I rummaged in my room and found some things to throw away. I also found things that I want to find a place for, but one thing at a time. Other happy things for today include:

  • Yard work. It is never ending, but can also be rewarding.
  • Tomorrow is the SCA yard sale. Keziah and I sorted through lost and found from the last few years and what isn't claimed will be auctioned tomorrow.  This is less stuff for those that were storing it and new or returned for wherever it goes.
  • There were some birds overhead today that we couldn't identify. After much deliberation I reached out to Reader -K. They were able to tell that one of the birds was a turkey vulture and the other a hawk, probably red-tailed, but they weren't positive.  In reading their comment from yesterday's blog, it was probably the same turkey vulture as yesterday.  

  • Winston, the orange tabby, decided to sleep on the dryer today.  It seems an odd spot, but when the dryer is off, the metal is probably cool.

  • At the same time Nanni, the brown tabby, was using the landing that Keziah built for them off the stairs.

  • Aesop, the dog, got a new shirt today.  Halloween should be interesting.

Currently reading: Backpacking: A Hedonist’s Guide, by Rick Greenspan and Hal Kahn.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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