Thursday, August 19, 2021

I Dislike Coming Up With Titles

We had expected company this evening but they had to cancel because of a work thing.  Instead, some other friends and their children came by.  Mexican food was ordered, yum.  From this I get a lovely quote from Gideon's friend, "I think that nachos are one of the best foods in the world!"  Other happy things from today:

  • TF and I switched our Minecraft night to tonight.  We have been building a rail system.  
  • Work switched me back to the pick to buffer job today and I ended up with 30,000 steps before leaving work!
  • Over the weekend we had a yard sale and one of the folks who came brought flowers from their garden.  They are still looking pretty!  

Currently reading: Backpacking: A Hedonist’s Guide, by Rick Greenspan and Hal Kahn.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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