Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Old Family Photos

 When I entered the book I finished yesterday onto my Goodreads account I looked down at some of the books I've read.  One title drew my attention: Goodbye, Things by Fumio Sasaki.  I decided to listen to it again.  The author of this book is more of a minimalist than I am trying to be.  However, already listening to this is helping me as I rethink some of the things I have decided to keep.  Right now, as I downsize, the goal is to get the things I have to fit into my space or go away.  After that is done will be the time to go through it all again and cut down on things even more.  Not that I want to be a minimalist, but I have no need to be a maximist.  Other things today that helped me be happy:

  • Right now, the rest of the house is asleep or trying to be.  There is the sound of Dolly Parton coming from Gideon's room.  This is new, him listening to music to help him sleep.  It seems nice to me at the moment.
  • I took another block of time to work in the yard today.  This time I put on bandages where my thumbs normally blister to protect them from a blister on top of a blister.  It seemed to work.
  • The box I went through today had some old pictures in it.
The boy with "Kitty" is my Great-Uncle Bernard.
The girl behind him is my grandmother.
I can only assume that the woman in the door is my great-grandmother,
that person wasn't listed on the back.

Pretty sure this is my great-grandmother.
If not, I think it would be her mother.
I'm forgetting names and that bothers me.

This is my grandmother on her,
"1st ascent Mt Chocorua."
I have no idea what she is sitting on!

Great-Aunt Marjorie, my grandmother and Great-Uncle Bernard.

Great-Uncle Bernard.
  • Keziah and I picked her van up at the garage today.  It is fixed.  
  • Some of the seeds that I planted in one of the milk jug greenhouses are sprouting.  I was almost ready to give up.  I need to remember to water them tomorrow.
Itty bitty leaves poking through.

Currently listening to: Goodbye, Things, by Fumio Sasaki.

Stay safe.


  1. Your Great-Uncle Bernard... that be my grandfather, right? (Early morning, mind is getting tangled up in the genealogy.) If so, I will have to share this post with my Mom, she'd enjoy seeing them.

    1. Yes, --K, that would be your grandfather. Please share with your mom and tell the family I say hello! <3

    2. I emailed the link to my mom this morning - thanks for sharing! My grandfather died before my mom had us, so I never met him and have only seen a few photos that my Mom has. I see resemblance to my older brother in the pic with the kitty.

    3. I'm glad you liked the pictures. I almost didn't share them all, then thought you might like to see them. Stay safe!


Happy New Year's Eve!

 Here it is, my final blog of the year.  2021 has been a long year.  I wrote a little personal review of my year and posted it in my Odds an...