Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Happy Barbie Day?

 One of the things I am doing with the YouTube Downsizing channel is to find something about the day to make note of as part of the title/intro card.  When I saw that in 1959 Barbie dolls were first introduced, it seemed like a good time to go through my Barbie dolls.  It was a box that I knew where to find and I knew I was just procrastinating about it.  TF and I talked about it and she was going to pull her Barbies out of the attic and we'd set aside some time to play with the dolls and say goodbye.  It didn't work out the way I thought it would.  We had a good time though and unless something changes (like someone wants the dolls) they are all going away.  Other happy things from today: 

  • I did laundry today.  I know, that doesn't seem like a happy thing.  What this means is that tomorrow I can wear jeans again.  I've missed them.  With so many people in the house, sometimes there is a line to do the laundry, sometimes the machines aren't used for days.  
  • The geranium seeds have been planted-well, about half of them have been planted.  I also washed a bunch of seed starter trays that were found in the shed here.  I ran out of time and energy to wash the pots I need to transplant the zucchini and sunflowers into.  That can be a task for tomorrow. 

  • The spinach seems to be growing nicely in the upsidedown bin.  Winston, the orange tabby, seems to like it too.

  • At least one problem was solved with my exchequer tasks today.  
  • It was a lovely day but I didn't spend very much time outside.  I did get a picture of the sunset through my window though.

Currently reading: The Backyard Homestead, by Carleen Madigan.  I haven't been taking as much time to read as maybe I should.  I just finished chapter 1.  It ended on page 83, so it wasn't a short chapter.  

Stay safe!

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