Tuesday, March 16, 2021


 After being up way too late last night Zed and I finished the editing on our YouTube downsizing video.  We both agree that we are waiting too long to work on the edits but haven't come up with a good time to work mid-week yet.  I'm happy to say that I at least went through my recordings for today and narrowed down which takes I plan to use.  Yes, I sometimes record parts multiple times to get something right or attempt at clearer words and not stuttering.  Other happy things for today:

  • Monday is my night to make dinner.  I decided to make something that I have made in the past and Googled for the recipe.  I found something that I thought was the right thing, it wasn't.  Thankfully it was still good and came out close enough.  The others couldn't really tell the difference, when I looked up the original recipe I used it had lime, something this one did not.  That made a huge difference in flavor.  Glad it was still a good recipe though.
  • I had apple pie for breakfast.
  • More geraniums have sprouted.  I am hopeful that there may be enough to plant for Memorial Day.  I am also hopeful that more will grow if I plant them.  😊

Currently reading: The Backyard Homestead, by Carleen Madigan.

Stay safe.

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