Friday, March 5, 2021

Boxes, boxes

 In my effort to downsize I am going through one box a day.  Somedays the boxes contain things that are harder or more time consuming to go through.  This week has had its fair share of difficult boxes.  I realized that there will be fewer and fewer easy boxes.  At this point, if I haven't gone through it, it is most likely because it isn't easy.  There are many things that belonged to my parents.  My mom kept more paper than I have and it is hard to go through some of those things.  There is a part of me that wants to save things because she did.  Some days it is easier to squelch that part than others.  BUT, I am doing it.  I am doing the thing and saying goodbye to a bunch of stuff.  Keziah and I went to the apartment where my boxes are stacked today and found at least five boxes that we had gone through previously that were already slated to be donated.  They will be gone tomorrow.  We had done the sorting, just not the removing.  Someone else will enjoy these items and that is good.  Other things I am happy about:

  • At one point during sorting I left the room; when I came back, Winston (orange cat) had found the one empty spot on my bed to take a nap.
  • Sometimes I read my horoscope.  This morning's seemed to fit, at least a little, so I share it with you now.
  • My mom used to make dolls and stuffed animals.  Sometimes she did this really well, other times not so much.  Today we said goodbye to the doll in the picture below.  The clothes the doll is wearing belonged to Keziah when she was a toddler.
The doll's sweatshirt says: Around here I'm the big cheese.

Stay safe!

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