Monday, March 1, 2021

Happy March!

 As the temperatures drop into the negatives tonight I am reminding myself that later this month is the first day of spring.  Suddenly I feel very behind on planting seeds.  Today was my day to make dinner.  Between that and other things to do during a day there was little time left to do any gardening.  Dinner was a big hit though.  I found a recipe for black bean enchiladas that came out really well.  It took me about an hour or so longer than the recipe suggests.  I love that I only have to cook once a week; this will not help me get faster preparing food though.  Thankfully I know this and give myself extra time.

Other things I am happy for today:  

  • We got the second week video of downsizing/organizing up onto YouTube today.  There were some mistakes, but it is done.
  • We played Dungeons and Dragons and are being attacked by different types of tree blights!
  • I got outside today long enough to take care of the compost and snap some pictures of the sunset.

  • Keziah and I also went out briefly to get dessert at Dairy Queen.  I got a Snickerdoodle Blizzard with extra Snickerdoodle flavoring stuff.  It was sweet and delicious.

Currently reading: The Backyard Homestead, by Carleen Madigan.

Stay safe!

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