Sunday, March 21, 2021

Happy Spring

 Tomorrow, Bel, Folke and their friend leave.  I want to say that we spent today doing fun things together.  They spent time doing last minute adjustments to the bus and packing.  I tried not to get in the way.  It was a beautiful day and the first day of spring.  Since the Daylight Savings Time began last week, the sun is out much later.  It is always such an adjustment.  I spent part of the day replanting some of the seeds I planted a few weeks ago that sprouted.  Basil, parsley and thyme are now potted and back in the basement.  This kept me happily busy outside for a little while and I could say hi to them as they worked on the bus or packed things into it.  Other things that made me happy on International Happiness Day:

  • It was a friend that I used to work with that inspired me to go through a box every day for Lent to get rid of things.  Sometimes I remember to post to the little group of us that are trying to get rid of one thing a day.  The box I sorted for downsizing today included a doll from my childhood.  I sent the picture to the group and that baby doll has been claimed.  She will have a new home with my friend's granddaughter.  How cool is that?
I think her name was Betsy.
  • Bel and Folke had two plants when they came here.  Since the cats arrived and tried eating the plants, I have been keeping them downstairs with the seedlings.  Today I think I found a way to keep the plants relatively safe in the bus as they travel.  I put some packing material around them and put them into a container, smaller, but similar to the one I am growing spinach in.  Hopefully this will keep them safe from the bounces and cold nights.

This is a bit less transparent than the one the spinach is in.
It will at least allow them to take the plants on their journey.
  • I sewed my hair up this morning.  It is getting long enough that the braids don't keep the length out of things.  I really enjoy how it feels when it is attached to my head without a hair clamp.  If only my hair didn't start falling out on the second day.
I should make some googly eye pins
so I can have a smiley face from behind.

  • After dinner we all gathered around the table for a very hilarious game of Snake Oil.  It was great fun and I am glad we all got to play together before they leave.

  • Just as the sun was starting to set I went for a quick walk out back to get a better view.  

I'm gonna miss these snuggle bugs.

Currently listening to Quiet, by Susan Cain.
Currently reading: The Backyard Homestead, by Carleen Madigan.

Stay safe.

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