Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Seeds Burst Through

 Our guest joined us in the Dungeons and Dragons game tonight.  We might be able to defeat the evil forest after all.  Since we knew we would be in the forest, Zed pre prepared tree puns.  He's so funny!  Other happy things today:

  • Some of the seeds I planted are growing!  I may be transplanted some of them very soon.  
This morning when I turned the lights on.

This evening when I turned the lights off.
  • I went for a walk and wrote this:
All I could hear were my boots going crunch-crunch under my feet.  There were the faint sounds of birdsong occasionally finding their way through the rhythmic crunching.  I found a tree stump that seemed dry and rested.  Soon the sounds of birds became more noticeable,  but still not very close.  It is too soon for leaves and the undergrowth that provide safe havens for them.  So I sat listening to their distant sound a few minutes before resuming my crunching walk.

  • I also took some pictures while outside. Some of the trees are starting to bud.

  • Checking the mail after my walk I found that the geranium seeds have finally arrived!!  Tomorrow I plan to plant them, today was my night for dinner making so I didn't have the time.

Currently reading: The Backyard Homestead, by Carleen Madigan.

Stay safe.

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