Monday, March 15, 2021

Happy Pi Day

 Anxiety was my word for today.  Not a bad anxiety, more an I-have-too-much-to-do-and-not-enough-time anxiety.  I keep meaning to do more editing during the week and fail at this endeavor.  Most of today has been spent either downloading and watching the videos and multiple takes for the YouTube channel or doing exchequer tasks that I am also behind on.  In between these I have been pacing the floor to get my steps in.  Zed and I are still greatly enjoying these edit sessions, until we start getting tired.  He does most of the editing and I still have a bunch of learning to do.  Other happy things for today:

  • Folke made quiche for dinner because today is Pi Day.  They all came out really well.

  • Last fall we had some forethought and froze apples ready to go into a pie shell.  That pie made it into the oven but too late to eat tonight.  It will make a sweet and delicious breakfast instead.
  • Another pretty sunset.

Currently reading: The Backyard Homestead, by Carleen Madigan.

Stay Safe.

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