Monday, March 29, 2021

Palm Sunday

 Yesterday I got the Covid vaccine.  Other than a sore arm from where the needle went in, I don't seem to be having any adverse effects.  There have been aches and pains, but nothing that I can point to and say is different than other days aches and pains.  Yesterday I helped move a couch and this morning I took a four mile walk. These things can also bring aches and pains.  I've been keeping track of my temperature since last October and there is no big change there either.  I do feel like I may be having allergy issues.  I don't think I can attribute that to the vaccine either.  All this is to say, "so far, so good."  Other things that I am happy about:

  • During my four mile walk I remembered to listen to the audio book that is due Tuesday.  Just under three more hours to listen to.  
  • I noticed buds on some of the plants in the front of the house.  I don't remember what came up there last year.
  • Again, I enjoy editing all the video footage with Zed.  I don't think it is just the adult beverages.
  • While editing there was a video that popped up on Zed's computer and started to play.  This same video started to play on Thursday too.  Zed keeps putting off watching it.  The video is about procrastination.  🤣

Currently listening to Quiet, by Susan Cain.

Stay safe.

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