Wednesday, March 3, 2021


 Keeping to my current downsizing theme, March 3, 2021 is "Simplify Your Life Day!"  Apparently August is Simplify Your Life Month.  I have added that to my calendar for the month of August.  Ideally, most of the world will be in pandemic recovery mode by then, or close to it.  The box I went through today ended up being simple, most of the box had wires and electronics and I let Zed decide what should stay and what should go.  I held on to a Polaroid camera, an outlet expander, and a remote control to a DVD player.  Until I have gone through all my boxes and things I am holding onto remote controls.  Bel is randomly bringing me over a box a day so I won't know what to expect.  Other things that I am happy about today:

  • The last day and a half or so we had some strong winds.  I went out back on the property and didn't notice any new tree falls.  A few branches, and no trees.  This is good.
  • Soon it will be spring.  A year ago today there was no ice on the river and Gideon had just a sweatshirt over his clothes for warmth when we went for a walk.  A year ago today is when we first looked at the house we are living in now.  There is ice on the river today and much more snow still on the ground compared to last year.  
  • There is enough snow that I used the snowshoes on my walk today.  There are some places where the grass is poking through and the ice on the brook is melting.  

  • It looks like there are birds building nests in the big birdhouse as well as over the awning.  I also saw Robins today.  They are another sign of spring.
  • The cats sat at the door watching all the bird activity and saw a chipmunk too.  Their heads sometimes moved in unison as they watched.  
Hope this video works.

Currently listening to Quiet, by Susan Cain.

Stay safe.

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