Thursday, March 25, 2021

International Waffle Day

 Thursday has become the day for Zed and I to edit the first half of the week's recording for the YouTube channel.  I'm pleasantly surprised that I have been able to keep doing this.  If only I could get rid of more things.  I am getting better at getting rid of things, really.  Happy things for today:

  • Laughter while watching Zed try to edit his 12 minute long video to a few minutes.
  • The day started cloudy and rainy.  It cleared in the afternoon though and was warm and beautiful.  Zed and I went for a walk out back.
Witch tree.


Some kind of footprint.
  • Bacon.  No matter how much I keep trying to reduce the amount of meat I eat, it is still in the house.  Today I made bacon.  It was not part of my plan for today, but it was good.
  • I worked on my taxes today.  They are almost done and I should be getting a small refund.  

Currently reading: The Backyard Homestead, by Carleen Madigan.

Stay safe.

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