Thursday, March 18, 2021

Sleep is Important

As the days get longer I want to wake up earlier.  I believe that last night was the first time I got into bed before eleven since January.  The only way that happened is by writing this blog earlier in the evening.  I'm not sure if I can make that happen always, but I think I should work towards it.  I'm fairly certain I have come to this realization multiple times.  People tell me that sleep is important.  The ice cream place opened today.  Writing this I can hear people talking while waiting in line for their orders.  They close at nine, at least this time of year, so that doesn't keep me up.  I'm glad that they are carrying peppermint stick ice cream again.  It's my favorite. 

Yes, we got ice cream after dinner tonight.  We were also their first big order at lunch time today.  Other happy things for today:
  • Thursday was Bel's night to make dinner.  They are leaving on Sunday to go back to Texas and I requested that they make beet burgers.  I really enjoy the beet burgers and the bean burgers that they make and I was curious which I like better.  Turns out the burgers are different enough that I have no favorite.  They are each delicious in their own way.
  • Zed and I are editing the downsizing footage we have so far tonight.  We crack each other up.  Hopefully this will mean less edits on Sunday.  It does mean I won't be in bed by eleven tonight.
  • After dinner Zed, Gideon, and I went for a walk that ended at the ice cream stand.  We only spent a few minutes out on the property because it was wet, muddy, and sprinkling.  I wanted to show Zed a tree that had fallen sometime over the winter.  The tree actually landed on another tree that we may be able to save.  I took some pictures of the brook and some trees.
The brook could definitely use some clearing.

It looks like the downed tree was right over the brook.

Paper over rock.
  • Along the walk Zed noticed some droplets on a branch and Gideon asked me to take a picture.

Some of my favorite people.

Currently reading: The Burgess Book of Nature Lore, by Thornton W. Burgess.
The Backyard Homestead, by Carleen Madigan.

Stay safe.

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