Sunday, March 7, 2021

Old Photos

 It is late.  In an attempt to both stay awake and make this short, I am using my standing desk.  For the next few weeks we have an additional person in our home pod.  Seven people seems like so many even though it is just one more than six.  In a few weeks Bel, Folke and this new person (I'll figure out a name for them when I am more awake) will leave and our pod here will be four people.  For now, I am happy to have so many people nearby.  Other things I am happy about:

  • In the downsizing news I went through two boxes today!  They were mostly clothes and most of them are going to be finding a new home.
  • Bel and Winston the cat were adorable this morning rubbing heads together.  Unfortunately I pulled the camera out too late.
  • Soon after we got the cats a cardboard tower was made for them.  Parts of the tower started to fall today, with Winston inside.  Thankfully Keziah was quick and there was no harm to the cats or people.  The top bridge of the tower is now a floor toy and Keziah is planning out the next great cat playground.  The cardboard lasted longer than expected.
The tower bridge no longer bridges over a doorway.
  • I re-found some old pictures today.  At some point I will look through my genealogy things to learn how some of the folks are related.  I know my great-grandparents are part of the group.  
The couple to the left, standing is John- sitting Nellie, 
are my great-grandparents
(unless I am off by a generation). 

The woman in the back in this picture 
is the same person as the one standing in the other.

Today all I made time to read was a calendar that highlighted twelve saints and some works of art that represented them.

Stay safe.

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