Monday, March 8, 2021


 Sundays have become editing days for the YouTube downsizing thing that Zed and I are doing.  This week we did one day that will take a bunch of editing above the slicing and splicing that we have been doing anyways.  That is still being worked on as I write.  Downsizing is hard, but I feel like putting it out there, even if no one watches it, is helping to keep me going with this.  The more I sort through these things, the better I am feeling about my life.  Other things I am happy for today:

  • Free media online that can be used on the YouTube videos.  These are such a blessing- thanks to anyone who does this.
  • Folke and our guest were sitting on the rocking chair porch with the sun shining.  They were singing.  I could see Folke through the window and her reflection and got some neat pictures.

  • Bel set up a new outlet in the cellar for me to use for the plants.  This puts the power closer to the plants and no longer behind the banister. 

  • Bel, Folke, our guest, and I went out back for a walk.  The ground is a mixture back there.  Some places it is muddy and in others it is ice or snow.

Currently reading:Currently reading: The Burgess Book of Nature Lore, by Thornton W. Burgess.

Stay safe!

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