Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Happy St. Patrick's Day

 There are things that I don't say anything about when I am filming the downsizing videos.  The last few days I feel like I need to express some of the meaning behind that sign.  Yesterday I wrote about how Gideon came up with the idea of having flying letters 'I' as pictures.  For St. Patrick's Day I looked through the internet for Irish symbols other than the shamrock and leprechaun.  What I found that struck a chord with me was the Green Man.  He is a Celtic symbol of rebirth.  As I go through all my things to downsize I feel that in the end, I will come out a slightly different person and thus reborn.  I don't expect some huge change.  I do hope to be lighter in a metaphysical sort of way.  Keziah was kind enough to draw a Green Man on today's sign.  Other happy things from today:

  • Oddly enough the box I went through today had in it a fake gold coin.  It was a token from an attraction we went to years ago.  I thought that was kind of a cool thing to find on St. Patrick's Day.  Obviously, real gold would have been better.  😊
  • Generally speaking I think it is getting easier to sort and get rid of some things.  Books are still hard to get rid of, but I am saying, "goodbye," to some of those too.
  • There is a house down the road a little way that I walk by sometimes that has a brook running near it.  It is very picturesque.  Walking out back today and hearing the water in our little brook ripple down the hill I tried to imagine it looking as lovely as the other.  It won't, it is different and is beautiful in its own way.  I hope to find time to clear out around it more and make it more accessible.  Perhaps all it needs is the ability to see more of it.  
  • Walking around the garden today I noticed that the peach tree and cherry tree are starting to form some buds.  
Peach tree, Marjorie.

Pretty sure this picture is of the cherry tree, Tucker.
  • Since it is St. Patrick's Day I decided it was time to try the Bells of Ireland seeds I found that are dated for 1967.  Instead of planting them, I put some into a wet paper towel to see if they might germinate that way before putting them into soil.  After doing that, I saw a YouTube video about soaking seeds in a bowl of water overnight to test them.  I'm learning so much!
  • I just learned that my aunt got vaccinated today against the Covid-19 virus.  YAY!!!

Today I read from a small book I unpacked: Town Pounds of New England, by Elizabeth Banks MacRury.  The author researched and visited some New England Town Pounds and included a bit of history for them in the book.  

Stay safe.

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