Thursday, March 11, 2021


 This morning Gideon had another ski lesson.  He had a great time and got to go down the level 3 hill after the time on the bunny hill.  I wasn't there and don't ski.  All I know about these hills is that they get harder. Gideon had a great time!  They are looking into picking him up some used gear to finish out the season and hopefully still fit next year.  Other things I am happy about:

  • It has only been a day but the plants I put into pots yesterday seem to be doing well.  This is good since there are more to do tomorrow.

  • Yesterday I took a long walk with my friend Amy and I wasn't sure how I would feel physically today.  Thankful that I felt well and took a walk, a little over 4 miles.  I took a turn that brought me through some parts of town that I hadn't been to yet.  There is a commercial/light industrial area that I walked through.  I knew I would end up on a busy street and most likely won't repeat that walk often because of the traffic along that road.  `
That is me in the corner.
The snow is sticking with the t-shirt weather today.


  • Keziah and Zed brought home a delicious cheesecake for dessert.   

Currently reading:Currently reading: The Burgess Book of Nature Lore, by Thornton W. Burgess.

Stay safe.

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