Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Old Stuff

 On February 16th I ordered geranium seeds.  The expected arrival date was today.  I have been anxiously checking the doorway every few hours hoping to find them.  Maybe they will get here tomorrow.  Since the geraniums seeds weren't here, I planted marigolds and some herbs.  I also planted some zucchini and sunflowers.  Did I mention that we have more heat pads for the seed starters?  Now if only the seeds would start!  Most of the seeds I am using are from what we purchased last year. 

They are all seeded.

Other things I am happy for today:

  • It was NOT my night to make dinner!  
  • So far, I am doing a better job keeping track of the things I am recording with the GoPro.  Ideally there won't be a long edit session at the end of the week to put together the downsizing footage.  
  • Since downsizing is big on my daily to-do list right now, I thought it was funny when today turned out to be "National Old Stuff Day."  I added to my donate pile with some old stuff.
There was frost on the inside of my window this morning!

Currently reading: The Backyard Homestead, by Carleen Madigan.

Currently listening to Quiet, by Susan Cain.

Wash your hands.

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