Monday, March 22, 2021

National Goof Off Day

Spring is here and so is some warmer weather.  The paths were only muddy in a few places when I walked with my friend, Amy, around Dorr's Pond today.  The park was quite busy on this sunny day.  There were parents with small children and strollers as well as older people walking around the pond and even a few bicycles.  

One lovely lady wished us a happy Spring as we walked by each other.  Little passing comments like that are such a welcome thing to me.  Other things I am happy about today:

  • There are ducks that live toward the north end of the pond.  One was out sunning themself on some ice.
Mr. Mallard.

  • Getting to spend time with Amy.   She saw the duck first.
  • Keziah has been very adament about getting me signed up as soon as possible for the vaccine.  This morning New Hampshire opened up the registration process for people my age.  The website had some problems but eventually we got through.  My and Zed's mom's first vaccine will be at the end of the week.  Amy signed up to get hers soon too.
  • Zed and Gideon decided to go to the Scout meeting tonight-outdoors, masked, and socially distanced.  This meant Keziah and I could start catching up on watching The Crown.  
There wasn't too much goofing off today.  It was a good day though.  😜

Currently reading: The Burgess Book of Nature Lore, by Thornton W. Burgess.
Currently listening to Quiet, by Susan Cain.

Stay safe.

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