Friday, January 22, 2021


My attempt at going out this morning to walk was delayed by needing to put on my Baronial Coronet
instead of my winter hat. Okay, I didn't really put on the coronet, that was just figurative. Sometimes things happen and as Baronial heads, Keziah and I have things to do. Usually these are fun things, sometimes not. After doing what I could, I got outside for a walk. It started to snow. Silly me, I haven't looked at the forecast since Sunday when the week was to be dry. These passing snow showers were a surprise. It made for a pretty walk. Other happy things for today include:

  • There were four different types of birds I saw along my walk today: chickadee, junco, nuthatch, and woodpecker. None of them were on the property, they were all seen on the way to the conservation area.
  • The turkey tail mushrooms looked gold trimmed today.
  • There was a rather large tree in the conservation area that seemed to be getting consumed by a vine of some sort.

  • I just thought the colors on the ground here were pretty.  

  • My list of the things to do this week has not been getting done as much as I had hoped.  TF and I had our mid-week accountability talk and I feel better now about what I have accomplished. We also plan to build in time for things like holidays and national events in the future.

Currently listening to a collection of stories called NPR Driveway Moments Cat Tales.  
Currently reading:The Backyard Homestead, by Carleen Madigan.

Stay safe.

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