Sunday, January 17, 2021


A some point, I feel like my day got off course.  I'm not sure when or why, but I was very tired and lacked focus.  Here are some happy things for the day:

  • My room is partially put together.  The desk is finally where I think I want it to be.  I had to finish  painting the wall (yesterday's task) to put it there.  The desk is most often used as a place to put things for sorting at this point.  I'm okay with that for now.
The corner-post paint and
with the belongings in place.

This is the wall before I put my desk along it.

With desk, but before
everything is back on the desk.
  • We had a visitor today.  They made some really nice cases to hold scrolls and wanted to drop them off.  
  • Since they couldn't come inside to visit for a bit, Zed and I took them for a wet walk around the property.  It was only raining a little.  It was nice to see someone that we haven't seen in about year.  

  • Zed slipped in the mud (he's fine) and spotted a lichen? Mushroom?  My google search is leading me to believe that it is either a turkey's tail (Trametes versicolor), or a false turkey's tale (Stereum ostrea) mushroom.  If I see it next time I walk out back, I will try for pictures from different angles.
Turkey's tale or false?
Or something else entirely?

Stay safe!

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