Sunday, January 17, 2021


Sunday is the last day of the week with the goal accountability that TF and I started doing.  This week I worked on everything.  The one project, a holder for my arrows, that I didn't do as much as I hoped is because the battery died before I could drill all the holes.  The battery is on the charger and will be ready to go tomorrow.  It is probably ready now, but some things can wait for daylight.  If it doesn't work, I will have learned something.  If it does work, I will have repurposed something that was headed for the burn pile and have a new way to keep my arrows.

This experiment will hopefully hold my arrows.
It won't be the best way, but better than how they are now.

Other things that I am happy about today:

  • The mushrooms we found yesterday look a little different today.  I don't like to eat mushrooms, but I'm starting to be curious about this life form.  It may just be because the sun is out today and yesterday was rainy and overcast, but the parts that are green seem more green.  I think this is the turkey tail mushroom or Trametes versicolor.
I moved the branch and leaf out of the way for more pictures.

This is the side view.
I used a stick to lift it a little to
get a better look at the underside.
  • I wrapped the part of the cellar that I am using to grow plants with plastic today.  Ideally this will keep some of the warmth in that area.  It isn't pretty. 
Plastic wall.
  • This afternoon, on the walk to get a closer look at the mushrooms, there was what I was hoping to be a colorful sunset.  Clouds came in and it wasn't as colorful as I hoped it would be.  It did have lovely shades of yellow and many shades of blue.  Eventually there were also pinks and oranges.  

Currently reading: The Backyard Homestead Seasonal Planner, by Ann Larkin Hansen.

Stay safe.

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