Friday, January 29, 2021

Stepping Inside

 Winter has finally settled in for a few days now that January is almost over.  The temperatures are in the teens with wind chills below zero today and tomorrow.  My steps have been achieved indoors today.  The important part is that I walked around and even jogged for a bit in the house to reach my goal.  Other happy things for today:

  • Keziah and I did a partial clean out of the garb closet.  When we moved here, we just put things that we didn't think we would need until we have events again into this closet.  Today much was sorted and the decision to repurpose some of the older garb was made.
  • There has been binge watching of the show I mentioned yesterday, Signed, Sealed, Delivered.  Considering how much I have cried each episode, perhaps 'fluff' was a poor choice of words.  
  • Every week a friend posts to a group of friends and asks how we are all doing.  During these times it is so important to remember when people could be together while staying safe.  Any way people find to communicate from a distance is good.
  • The cats got fed some of their grass again today.  It hasn't become the routine I thought it might.  They really love munching on it!


Stay safe!

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