Friday, January 15, 2021


As I write this I am waiting for dinner and half listening to Crash Course: Economics. That is what Gideon is currently binge watching. I have made myself comfortable on the Comfy Sac in the living room. This isn’t my usual spot, I’m usually on the chair. Today I painted the walls in my bedroom and wanted to stretch out. I want to say that my room painting is done, but it is not. The stone wall part is done though, so that feels good. I only have an in-progress picture.

After I put my room together tomorrow, I’ll take another.  I'll be moving my desk and removing blue tape.  Eventually things will hang on the wall too.

Other happy things for today:
  • I have at least worked on everything on my to-do list for the week. There are a few things I hope to actually complete before Sunday and when I make my list for next week.
  • This morning I took a walk on the property. It helped wake me up and felt good.
This looks like someone set their table
for breakfast and then got distracted.

This is rabbit tobacco in January.

  • After painting my room, I took another walk and finished getting my daily step count. This was needed for the fresh air.  One window in my was open a few inches while I painted, but getting outside to breathe in the cold air was refreshing.
  • While painting, I decided to listen to music.  I've tried listening to books while I paint, but I get caught up in the task rather than the book and end up missing parts of the book.  Listening to music allows it to be background or for me to belt out in song.  It is glorious.
  • I'm trying to make my way into the cellar at least once a day to check on the plants.  Today I noticed that the cat grass kit has sprouted.  I thought it might be too cold, even with the lights on for twelve hours a day for this, but I guess not.  😊
Cat grass.
  • It is Friday so TF and I will be playing Minecraft.  We will have and I have my blog written ahead of time.  Yay!
  • Last night I couldn't think of a title for the blog and I chose, "Insert Title Here."  At the time I was exhausted and just wanted to go to sleep.  Today, seeing that title, I find it humerous.  😜

Currently reading: The Backyard Homestead Seasonal Planner, by Ann Larkin Hansen.

Keep your distance.

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