Sunday, January 24, 2021


 It was another cold day.  I had no intention of going outside.  There were things on my todo list that I didn't get done yet this week.  I chose to focus on the important goal, sorting through some boxes.  My goal was three hours this week working on boxes that have been in storage for over three years.  I had an hour and a half left and spent at least that going through boxes and down memory lane.  Not just my memory.  There is a box that I inherited of letters and other papers that belonged to someone who lived in the late 1800's to early 1900's.  I have a suspicion as to where they came from but I'm not positive.  Anyhow, look at the back of this dress-

And the sleeves!  It is gorgeous.  I wonder if it was white or just a pale color.  There was a front view as well, but I like this view.  Other things today that made me happy today:
  • Finding pictures.  So many pictures.  I didn't take the time to go through them all, just tried to do a preliminary sort today.  Pictures of my kids when they were little, before I had kids, and of trips (and field trips) taken years ago. 
  • Cats get into some interesting places.  
Winston on the shelf of the side table.

  • I found a headband of Gideon's and wore it for a short time before returning it to him.     
Photo of me, courtesy Keziah.
  • Although I didn't complete all my goals for the week, I got most of them.  Having TF as an accountability partner is helping me get more things done than I think I would otherwise.  I'm grateful for the technology that helps us connect, but mostly for friendship.
  • Zed and Keziah went shopping for new clothes for Zed today.  I was getting ready to start walking many, many laps inside the house when Zed, with his new heavy coat, said he would join me if I wanted to go for a walk.  We went out into the cold and walked a mile down the sidewalk (didn't seem terrible) and a mile home (With the wind in our faces... brrr).  We were home a little after dark.  I enjoy walking by myself, but I like walking with people too.  Good conversations.  I still had to get some steps inside, where it was warm, and Gideon could hide for me to find. 
Sun setting.

Finished listening to a collection of stories called NPR Driveway Moments Cat Tales

Stay Safe.

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