Wednesday, January 20, 2021


Today, in the United States of America, we had a Presidential Inauguration with a peaceful change of Presidents.  I don't always watch the inaugurations, I watched this one.  This one seemed important.  As a side to that, I know someone who was working there and that brought an additional level of importance.  Watching this was important.  Watching my grandson, Gideon, watch it was also important.  Getting out after and taking a four mile walk was a different kind of important.  These were all happy things for me today.  Other things that helped me be happy today were:

  • Started playing a turn based game with Zed today.  It may take a long time to finish, but it is a nice, few minute distraction that can be spread throughout the day.
  • Keziah hung some of our SCA scrolls today.  It seems that none of us wanted to hang them as we didn't want to mess them up.  Now they are up- uneven, crooked, and perfect.  Someday, someone will enter, see them, comment on this, and they will be the volunteer to make it better.  😊
  • When I walked out of the house for my walk the sun was bright and getting low on the horizon.

  • As I made my way up onto the property the sun was bright and flurries were falling from the sky.  I hope the video works.  It is short with flurries falling.  Since I have had problems uploading videos here in the past, I also uploaded it to my YouTube channel.  This would be the only thing I have ever uploaded to that channel and I have no idea if that worked either, but here is a link.

  • Near the top of the hill the flurries were still falling and where I stood was shadowed by the cloud.

  • As I headed back towards the house the clouds were moving away.  The sun was lower on the horizon and reflecting light orange on the clouds.

  • Making the most of what there was for light I continued walking on the sidewalk, first south, chasing the clouds away.  Then I traveled north as the sun.  Then there was darkness with scattered headlights followed by home to a warm home.

Currently listening to a collection that of stories called NPR Driveway Moments Cat Tales.  
        (Did you know that cats can't taste sweet?)
Currently reading:The Backyard Homestead, by Carleen Madigan.
Stay safe.

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