Sunday, January 24, 2021

Search for Footprints

 What a difference ten degrees makes!  I thought I was getting used to the cold, then I went out today.  It was around 21°F and the wind went right through my leggings.  That said, I should have had warmer clothes on, but those are in the laundry.  Today Gideon and Zed joined me.  Gideon's Scout troop is going for a walk this weekend looking for tracks in the snow.  They opted out of joining the troop because of the pandemic so we walked out back instead.  We found some tracks.  Each line on my trekking pole is one centimeter.

These might belong to a cat.

Woodchuck? Fisher? Squirrel?

I want this to be a rabbit.  At around two inches,
it is short according to my chart and
the front should be much smaller than the back paw.

I think these might belong to a fox.
They are small and have an X.
I'm pretty sure there were coyote prints out there too, they didn't photograph well.  Other happy things for today include:

  • This morning I put together the arrow holder.  It doesn't work the way I was hoping (wrong size) and will need adjustments.  If I do get it to work right though, it will be cool.
These are not the arrows I was hoping to use this with.
There are some other problems that I hope to fix too.
I have other things that will be taking priority though.
  • I planted some mints inside today.
  • Pretty moon.

  • Did I mention it was cold?  I took the next picture using my nose so I wouldn't have to remove my glove.  🙃

Zed and Gideon with the sun.
Sorry about the blue dot...

Stay safe!

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